Saturday, May 3, 2014

Yoga as Story-Telling

The Yoga Girls did some creative story-telling using story dice.  The dice have images to inspire stories.  We shook and we passed our story along bit by bit, so that each girl contributed until the story was complete.  Once we had a complete story, it was time to set it to a yoga series.  Sometimes this was easy and sometimes hard.  We occasionally had to make up poses, but luckily yoga is pretty creative and inspiring!

We began with a need to measure some bananas on a scale for a monkey:
Scale pose

Scale pose



We also needed to weigh out some fish at the market.

There were cats involved and they were helping each other.

Half moon pose

At night the moon came out

And, a dangerous lion came into the village

He also was a magical lion that could fly.....

Flying dragon (adapted to flying lion)

A volcano

And a dead bug...

The End.......All that matters was that we had fun!!!!