Sunday, July 28, 2013

Who are your role models? Nicki Minaj?  Selena Gomez?  Angelina Jolie?  Reese Witherspoon?  How about a role model who is successful and makes positive contributions to our society?  Your mom?  A favorite teacher?  We tend to pick role models that are skinny and pretty.  But, what good does that do our world?

Recently, 4 women became astronauts out of a pool of 6300.  In the history of astronauts, with 534 who have gone to space, only 57 have been women.  These 4 women have truly beaten the odds!  Instead of a role model who simply looks good, how about a role model that really makes history?!  Girls who have done perfectly well in math and science throughout elementary and intermediate school grades, suddenly become unable to do well in math and science once middle school hits.  It's just not attractive.  It's a stereotype that girls do less well in math and science.  But girls all over are buying into it.  Why?

Staying true to what you like, are good at, and enjoy, that's what will make you happy in the future.  Getting a good education and training in whatever interest areas you have and not buying into the need to seek popularity and good looks will make you a happy, successful adult.  Idolizing singers, actresses, and other not so well-behaved famous folks will get you nothing but misery.

The song Brave by Sara Bareilles might help get you in the right mindset.  Being brave is a big part of ignoring peer pressure, staying true to yourself, and becoming what you really want to be when you grow up.  Speak your truth, live your truth, BE BRAVE!

Here's an activity to get you started:  Take each letter in your name and write it in capitol letters on the side of the paper.  Next come up with a word that begins with each of the letters in your name.  Make that word a strong, confident, and brave kind of word.  Hang it on your wall and remind yourself to be those words each day.

Here's Carmen's:


Thanks for reading girls!  Be brave!
Tammy and Carmen

Friday, April 26, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Make Those Dreams a Reality - Use Props!

Hi Girls!

Sometimes in our lives we take for granted the people that are actually an important part of how we live out our lives.  These people actually give us support in many ways (sometimes annoying or negatively).  For example, you may not like your teacher, but teachers teach us things in life that we need to know.  Another example would be family, they support and encourage us, clothe and feed us, and put a roof over our heads.   Are you taking these for granted?

What about air?  gravity? the sun shining even on the cloudy days?  All of this is supporting us!  But, are we taking that for granted?  Probably.  This isn't about gratitude, although, please be grateful.  This is about having faith and trusting that you will be supported in accomplishing your dreams.  We take for granted that there are so many things supporting our hopes and dreams, because we are often caught up in all that is wrong, or all that is annoying, frustrating, or working against us.  Being focused on what isn't working, on who isn't helpful makes our brains more able to see those negatives.  Being able to see what is working, what is supporting us, makes it much easier to see what and who is helpful, necessary, and positive in making our hopes and dreams come true.

Yoga can help us realize this.  We have props we use to help us feel and get into a pose better.  We have the wall and the floor to support us for inversions and other poses.  Don't take these things for granted, use them in your favor!  Take whatever you can get to make your experience the very best it can be.

Sometimes we don't want to ask for help or use assistance.  That is all about pride.  But, trying to make your dreams come true isn't about pride, it's about trust and having faith, knowing there are people and other supports in the world we can all use to get where we want to go.

So look around you.  Who or what are you taking for granted?  Stop doing that!  Start seeing your supports, your props, your assistants - they are out there!  Then, use them and make those dreams a reality!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Love + Compassion = Happy!

Hi Girls!  Compassion, patience, and kindness are all things we know, or have taken part in.  They are easy to do toward people we love, but not always easy to do for someone who is annoying - like your little brother or the boy who sits next to you in science class!  But, we have to think about reasons why they might be like they are - maybe their side of the story is different than yours.  We can't change other people's behaviors, but we can change how we think about them.

We can hear you saying, "But why?!  He's the annoying one!  He should change!"  Truth is, he might or he might not.  In fact, he might change and get even more annoying!  You can't do much about it, except maybe if you start feeling love and compassion which then creates patience, suddenly he does change his behavior toward you - more respect, more kindness, and yes, more compassion.  Sometimes that's the only way to create change.

However, changing your mind about someone helps YOU most of all and it's easier.  Irritation, anger, and hatred make us feel bad.  And, even though we think the other person is causing the feeling, we can actually make it stop.  We can turn it off and feel differently toward the person and then we feel the opposite of irritation, anger and hatred.  We feel compassion, kindness, and love.  That feels good!  It doesn't mean we have to give the annoying person a big hug or kiss.  It just means we don't react in anger and instead inside, we feel great!

How do we make this happen?  One way is through Compassion (also known as Loving-kindness) Meditation.  There are many ways to do and say Compassion Meditation, but the way we taught it in Yoga4Girls is using the words from Charity and the JamBand's version (you can download the song for free), a song called Loving Kindness:

May I be happy, may I be well 
May I be safe and sound 
May I be peaceful, may I be at ease 
With love in my heart and all around  

The process is to think the words to self, filling yourself with love and compassion.  Then, think of another person who you love and think the words to that person.  It gets harder.  Next, think of someone you don't know so well, maybe an acquaintance or someone you pass in the hallway.  This is someone you don't really have feelings about - you neither like nor dislike them.  Now, we come to the hardest one of all:  think of someone difficult and think the words to that person!  Sometimes it doesn't work, but just like learning to play an instrument or learning to do a cartwheel, you practice.  You practice and you get better at it.  It actually makes your brain stronger!  Your brain gets better and better at feeling good, loving, kind, and happy!  Finally, you end by sending the thoughts to everybody.  Charity and the JamBand just change the word I to we:  "May we be happy, may we be well......"

For the rest of our lives, there will be people we don't get along with, people whose behaviors are difficult for us to accept.  It will always be that way.  We can either continue to react with annoyance and anger or we can change our brains and get better at feeling love, compassion and happiness!  Which do you choose?

Tammy and Carmen
PS:  Check out the pictures of our fun day of learning Compassion!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Focus and Balance

Hey Girls!  This week we are going to talk about focusing.  Everybody loses their focus at times. When sitting through math class in 7th period, you lose focus.  You doodle, or almost fall asleep.  When the homework is due and you'd rather be watching TV, you lose focus.  But, there is a way to prevent this from happening-yoga can help!

In yoga, creating focus is all about the DRISHTI.  The drishti is especially helpful when trying to balance - like in tree pose.  The idea is to find a point on the floor and place your mind there and only there.  Don't let it wander - only see that point!  Balancing in a pose involves the strength of the muscles needed, your proprioception (a big word meaning our ability not to fall over, bang into things, or make klutzes of ourselves) and your focus.  All three combine to allow us to stand on one leg, steady and strong.  However, keeping the mind focused is the most important part of balancing.

If you are standing on one leg and your mind wanders toward a feeling of doubt, "Oh no, I can't do this!" or thoughts about others, "Look at her..." or "I wish I could....", "I'm not good enough."  "I'm too...."  You get the idea, right?  This is how we talk to ourselves and when this happens during a balance pose, you fall out of the pose!

The same is true off the mat - when you are in math class, doing your homework, or any task at all!  When we constantly let our minds wander to thoughts, distractions, and other people, we lose focus on ourselves and on the present moment.  Not only that, we discourage ourselves from improving and getting better and stronger!  If you are in math class and the teacher is teaching or you are finishing a problem, then that is the present.  Stay focused there.  If you are completing a homework assignment at the kitchen table before dinner, then that is the present.  Keep your focus there.  Don't start thinking, "I wish I was done."  "I can't wait until 3:30 and school is over."  These may be true statements, but bring it back to the present.  Don't start thinking, "I can't" or "This is too hard."  This, too causes you to lose focus and also creates a negative feeling and you just want to quit.  The wrong direction to take your mind!

Practicing balance poses and mindfulness can train your mind to stay focused and positive.  Standing still in a pose, focused on the drishti creates a strong mind that you then can control and bring back every time it wanders.  Focusing on the present with mindfulness meditation teaches staying in the moment and creating a future through the present.  After all, the best way to create a great future is to create a great present!

Here are 2 exercises for your home practice:

Place an item on the floor (maybe a stuffed animal or a picture).  Stare at it.  Focus on it.  Make it the only thing you think about.  Then, come into tree pose.  Hold.  Even though your mind will wander, especially every time you move, keep bringing it back to the item on the floor.  You won't get this the very first time or even the second or third.  Remember you are training your brain!  Gradually, you will see that you get better and better!

Sit somewhere comfortable.  Close your eyes and pay attention to your breath.  You can breathe through your nose or your mouth.  Think only about your breathing.  The sound of your breathing, the movement of your body as you breathe, and the temperature of the air as it changes with the inhale and the exhale.  Your mind will wander!  It always does.  But, the exercise is just to bring it back to the breath.  Every time you find yourself thinking about school, bring it back to the breath.  Every time you find yourself worrying about your math test, bring your mind back to the breath.  Every time you think about your annoying sibling, think about the breath! The more you do this, the better the mind gets at staying focused!

For more training and a really fun afternoon, join us at The Chakra House for Yoga4Girls classes!  We have classes on February 17th, March 10th, March 17th, April 7th, and April 24th.  Classes are from 12:30-2:00.  Contact us:

Be all you can be with Yoga!
Tammy and Carmen

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Saturday, January 5, 2013

More Popular = More Kind

Hi ladies!  Popularity isn't all about clothes and hair.  We recently read an article about girls who do random acts of kindness becoming more popular.  Yes, it's true! A study has determined that kids can increase their popularity, decrease bullying in their school, and feel more positive about themselves by doing one thing each day - a random act of kindness.

So what is a random act of kindness?  It can be anything that you do for another person.  Some acts of kindness are big and some are small.  For example, giving a family member a hug or holding a door open for someone is a small act.  Doing a chore for a sibling or classmate might be somewhere in the middle.  Sharing your lunch or helping with homework are other ideas. Donating your allowance to charity might be something big or how about volunteering at a fundraiser or other community event?

What's happening here exactly?  The acts of kindness can be done in a variety of locations - not just school to have the popularity effect.  So, how exactly is it working?  Well, it is just theory, we can't know for sure, but a couple of things are at work here.  First off, if one person does an act of kindness, then her "followers" will want to do it.  This will spread more and more and then exponentially more peace and kindness will spread throughout your school community!

Secondly, when you do kind things, people like you!  We all know girls who are popular because of their looks and clothes, but the girl who is also kind has even more friends and admirers.  After all, who wants to look up to a girl who is rude and selfish?  Wouldn't we all rather be around someone nice?  So ask yourself, am I kind?, am I loving, do I care?  When you answer yes to these questions and show others it's true, they will like you!

A third reason this works is that when you do kind things, you like yourself!  The act of kindness allows you to have positive feelings and the more positive feelings you create, the better you feel. And, the better you feel, the more you show that happy positive feeling to others and voila! The more they like you! You feel confident and have higher self-esteem through the acts of kindness and this shows - soon you attract others who want more of what you have - confidence and respect!

Finally, when you focus on kindness, you are able to see the good in the world around you and not just the bad.  This makes people want to be around you and it makes you less worried, less stressed and more able to enjoy and cope with life.  This is the "cup half full" concept.  The more you see good in the world and stop focusing on the bad, the better you feel.  The better you feel, the better you are at everything you do in your life!

Sounds good right?  We say try this for about a month.  Some experts say to make real change in your brain, you need to do something for 21 days, others say 28.  Just to be safe and really make a difference in the world, go for 28!  Or, do 26.  There's a movement on Facebook, to complete 26 acts of kindness to help the nation heal following the killing of 26 people at the school in Newtown.  If you want to make that your focus, that will work as well.  Be better, feel better, just by doing better things for those around you and pretty soon the whole world will be a better place, including you!

Signing off for now,

Tammy and Carmen