Thursday, April 4, 2013

Make Those Dreams a Reality - Use Props!

Hi Girls!

Sometimes in our lives we take for granted the people that are actually an important part of how we live out our lives.  These people actually give us support in many ways (sometimes annoying or negatively).  For example, you may not like your teacher, but teachers teach us things in life that we need to know.  Another example would be family, they support and encourage us, clothe and feed us, and put a roof over our heads.   Are you taking these for granted?

What about air?  gravity? the sun shining even on the cloudy days?  All of this is supporting us!  But, are we taking that for granted?  Probably.  This isn't about gratitude, although, please be grateful.  This is about having faith and trusting that you will be supported in accomplishing your dreams.  We take for granted that there are so many things supporting our hopes and dreams, because we are often caught up in all that is wrong, or all that is annoying, frustrating, or working against us.  Being focused on what isn't working, on who isn't helpful makes our brains more able to see those negatives.  Being able to see what is working, what is supporting us, makes it much easier to see what and who is helpful, necessary, and positive in making our hopes and dreams come true.

Yoga can help us realize this.  We have props we use to help us feel and get into a pose better.  We have the wall and the floor to support us for inversions and other poses.  Don't take these things for granted, use them in your favor!  Take whatever you can get to make your experience the very best it can be.

Sometimes we don't want to ask for help or use assistance.  That is all about pride.  But, trying to make your dreams come true isn't about pride, it's about trust and having faith, knowing there are people and other supports in the world we can all use to get where we want to go.

So look around you.  Who or what are you taking for granted?  Stop doing that!  Start seeing your supports, your props, your assistants - they are out there!  Then, use them and make those dreams a reality!

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