Friday, January 31, 2014

Yoga Girls Create!

This month the Yoga Girls created origami animals.  Each girl chose what type of animal to create out of paper.  There was a panda, a tiger, a monkey, a frog, and a cat.

Next task was for each girl to create a three pose series that was inspired by the animal.  It was allowed that poses we'd already learned could be used, adapted, or renamed.

Celia's lazy panda

Faye's stalking tiger

Here the girls are leaping like frogs from a crouched position

Rowan's monkey

Emma created a series inspired by all the things her cat does before lying down to sleep.  Here is sleeping cat.

Creativity shouldn't just be about art, music, or writing.  The brain and the body working together creatively adds a whole new layer of awareness for the brain to pay attention to.  The brain and the body work together in a whole new way and the connections and awareness become stronger.  Why is it important for the mind and body to work together?  Because when you are stressed out, your mind can tell your body to relax and your body can tell your mind to relax.  When you are sick, you can help your body fight off illness by using your thoughts.  When you can't focus, you can use your body to help your mind get clear.

Yoga teaches us to connect the mind and the body automatically.  Create your own poses based on your favorite animals.  On Monday, do your monkey series.  On Tuesday, do your tiger series.  On Wednesday do your walrus series.  Each day you can have a practice.  Each day you can do some yoga.  And each day, you make yourself stronger, more, focused, and happier!

Take Care.
Tammy and Carmen

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